A video of 2011 reemerged via virtual entertainment, and presently, it has damaged many individuals. The video highlights two Mexican cartel individuals, Félix Gámez García And Bernabé Gámez Castro, who are enraptured by a trimming tool.


Individuals are cautioning others not to watch the video as moving beyond it is difficult. It is quite possibly of the absolute most horrendous thing one can do to individuals. To watch the full video, we have that for you.

Félix Y Bernabé Video On Twitter: What Is It All About? Félix Y Bernabé Video will be video film of two individuals who are guillotined with a trimming tool.

One of the most chilling content you will see on the web today, individuals in the video are Félix Gámez García And Bernabé Gámez Castro, individuals from a Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel.

In addition, they used to fill in as halcones for the cartel. They were connected with one another also. One was the uncle of the other.

The horrendous video is about the execution of those two cartel individuals. An individual continues to ask them inquiries, and they reply. Notwithstanding, where it counts, they realize they will not be alive toward the finish of the discussion.

After some time, an individual methodologies them with a trimming tool and slashes their heads off. What’s more, individuals thought for even a second to record the entire thing and later post it via virtual entertainment.

You can watch the video here assuming you need. Who Are Félix Gámez García And Bernabé Gámez Castro? How Did They Respond? Félix Gámez García And Bernabé Gámez Castro were individuals from Sinaloa drug cartel in Mexico.

According to reports, they functioned as “halcones” for El Chapo Guzman himself. Taking a gander at the video, they were apparently questioned by professional killers (sicarios) dressed like military individuals.

You can hear it in their voices, worn, beaten, tired, and left without trust. The expectation isn’t simply to carry on with a well off life as they should naturally suspect when they joined the cartel, yet presently an essential right to live.

In the video, they depict their obligations as halcones or, at one time riding in the escorts when they were approached to do as such. The sicarios holding them for almost six minutes in the video are the normal sicarios that have been seen in past recordings of this sort.

— Depressed United Fan (@Raybo0mLynn) October 21, 2021

Who Are The Killers Behind The Video? Sicarios Yet To Be Identified The killings were coordinated by a gathering of obscure assains.

Moreover, they have showed up in a few different recordings of such kind. Be that as it may, there is no hint of them as they have overseen themselves subtly. They really do spring up endlessly time again with episodes like these.

Nobody can really say what their identity is or what criminal association they have a place with, and maybe we might in all likelihood won’t ever be aware. There hasn’t been a capture of such people by the same token.