Who Are Kim Wall’s Parents? Kim Wall was born on March 23, 1987, to Ingrid and Joachim Wall in Trelleborg, Sweden. Experiencing childhood in a very close family close by a more youthful kin, Kim fostered a superb relationship with her folks, a bond that she loved till her last day. Ingrid was a prestigious and celebrated columnist in Denmark, and Joachim earned enough to pay the bills as a photojournalist, making them the biggest motivations in Kim’s day to day existence. Several was likewise inconceivably glad for their girl and her achievements as a columnist. Addressing the media after Kim’s grim homicide, her folks referenced that they didn’t need her to be recognized as a casualty. All things considered, they commended the extraordinary work she had done and the various lives she contacted through her calling.


At the hour of Kim’s homicide, she was living in Copenhagen with her beau, Ole Stobbe Nielsen. Ole was the first who called and informed Ingrid and Joachim about their girl’s vanishing. The couple regretfully wanted it to be a horrible dream, and, surprisingly, the tension in Ole’s voice couldn’t set them up for the bad dream to come. In the days that followed, Ingrid and Joachim, alongside Ole, made an honest effort to help the police examination concerning Kim’s vanishing. In any case, as the days passed with next to no news, the desire to see Kim alive again started decreasing. At last, between the times of August 21 and November 29, specialists had the option to recuperate portions of Kim’s eviscerated body. She seemed to have been wounded around the mid region, and examiners accepted that Peter Madsen, the man Kim went to meet with, either cut her throat or choked her to no end.

Where Could Kim Wall’s Parents Now be? When Kim’s vanishing was increased to a manslaughter, Ingrid and Joachim Wall endeavored to help policemen as well as could be expected. The police were incredibly proficient in their examination, and it didn’t take long for them to capture and accuse Peter Madsen of Kim’s homicide. Ingrid and Joachim routinely went to Peter’s homicide preliminary and hurled a murmur of help whenever he was condemned to jail without the opportunity of parole in 2018.

In spite of the fact that Peter’s conviction gave Ingrid and Joachim a transitory alleviation, nothing could fill the vacuum left by Kim’s unexpected and stunning demise. Be that as it may, her folks needed the world to know how magnificent an individual Kim was, and consequently, they started discussing her and their experience through different distributions and television shows. On November 9, 2018, they distributed a book in Kim’s recollections named ‘Boken om Kim Wall: När orden tar prostitute’ (‘The book of Kim Wall: When words end’). As it turns out, the book was subsequently converted into English by Kathy Saranpa under the title of ‘A Silenced Voice.’

Also, her folks even aided in the creation of the HBO series ‘The Investigation,’ trusting that the world would zero in on Kim as a writer and not as a homicide casualty. As of now, Ingrid Joachim actually live in Trelleborg, Sweden, and are as yet engaged with their particular callings. Besides, as a recognition for their little girl, they began The Kim Wall Fund, which gives awards to promising youthful columnists whose work embodies all that Kim represented.