We should figure out additional insights regarding the lady whose wrongdoing is highlighted in the principal episode of Snapped: Killer Couples.


At the point when individuals watch Snapped, they realize that they are going to watch a grisly wrongdoing. These violations make individuals mindful of hoodlums sneaking around their closeness and some even inside their own homes.

Afton’s case is likewise one of such kind; two ladies gave Afton and her sweetheart, Micheal, a spot to live on the grounds that they were struggling. The ladies should not have believed that they will be killed by individuals they made a difference.

Afton Ferris Wikipedia: Where Is She Now? At this point, it has been accounted for that Afton Ferris is serving her time in jail, so she is presently in prison. According to Distractify, she was condemned to life detainment for her wrongdoing and extra 50 years as well.

Subsequently, it appears as though she won’t ever see light external the jail. She has been accounted for to have been seen as at real fault for six charges, which incorporate homicide, home attack, and equipped theft.

Micheal, her beau, and her sidekick were likewise condemned to a lifelong incarceration. He is additionally serving for the wrongdoing he perpetrated. The couple together killed blameless single parents.

Individuals will see this murder case in the principal episode of Snapped. Two or three has additionally been alluded to as an incredible couple. The homicides they submitted were weird and rankling on the grounds that they killed ladies who helped them in their tough situations.

Kandis R. Majors and Terri Ann Seibeck Murder Convict Kandis and Terri’s homicide convicts were Afton Ferris and Micheal Schallert. The killer couple used to reside with the casualties together in a similar house. Several was in a tough situation, so they were being helped by giving a rooftop on the top.

— Claudio Sífilis (@claudiosifilis) September 19, 2020

Kandis and Terri notice that the couple is by all accounts taking stuff from their home, so they showed them out of their home. From that point onward, the couple remained at their companion’s home.

Afterward, they chose to loot Kandis and Terri, so they took their companion’s firearm. On arriving at the house, the thing raised to the point that they chose to kill both the ladies and took from them.

They were subsequently gotten by the police after they ran from the study of the wrongdoing. At the hour of the wrongdoing, Afton was 19 years of age; she met her beau when she was 18 years of age.