Pickering is the dad of Poseidyn Hemopo Pickering from Manurewa, Auckland. The police division captured him, blamed for making disastrous head wounds his child in September 2020. In any case, Anthony has denied the allegations starting right off the bat.


Then again, he has been being investigated at the High Court in Auckland and confronting a jury at the ongoing date. The investigator blamed Anthony for attacking his child, causing the lethal head breaks which caused his passing.

Regardless, Anthony denied the allegation and told Poseidyn hit his head on the windowsill, causing head wounds. Further, Anthony referenced to the researching official he heard a clamor from the windowsill, and Poseidyn snoozed off to rest.

Who Is Anthony Pickering from Manurewa? Anthony Pickering got blamed for killing his child in September 2020. He purportedly banged his child’s head, causing numerous head breaks, and died the next day.

Be that as it may, Anthony has gone against the investigator’s allegation since the underlying day. Then again, the investigator guaranteed that he told two relatives that he struck his child because of shock over his accomplice.

What’s more, the examiner portrayed that Anthony contended with his accomplice about Poseidyn’s paternity two days before Poseidyn’s demise. Anthony was living with his accomplice Filoi Haukau and their two kids.

Anthony Pickering Baby Murder Trial-What Happened? Anthony Pickering has been confronting the homicide preliminary at the High Court in Auckland. He has been confronting a jury and Justice at the ongoing date. Todd Simmonds arraigned the body of evidence against him as he opened the homicide case to the jury.

Further, Simmonds has given numerous allegations against Anthony during the preliminary. Moreover, teacher Johan Duflou affirmed on Poseidyn’s wounds in the High Court at Auckland, where he referenced that the wounds were not really preferred the coincidental harms.

Also, Defense legal advisors Stewart and Quentin Duff have safeguarded Anthony in court, where they have introduced a few declarations during the case. They asked the clinical clinician Nick Lascelles to affirm about clinical potential outcomes.

— Gracewith💚 (@Explorefeeling1) July 7, 2022

Regardless, the jury has not declared the decision at the ongoing date as both examiner and respondent close the preliminary on Wednesday, and individuals have anticipated the judgment on Thursday.

Anthony Pickering’s Wife and Daughter Anthony Pickering was residing with his better half and little girl in the family home in Manurewa, Auckland. Specifically, they had a ten months child and a two-year-old girl from their relationship.

His better half, Filoi Haukau, left her child Poseidyn on the bed for seventeen minutes and found him dozing after she got back to see him. In any case, Anthony requested that Filoi consider the rescue vehicle for Poseidon when she returned following 60 minutes.