The primary woman of the United States, Jill Biden’s mystery administration subtleties got invaded by two men professing to be Homeland Security specialists. As the most safeguarded lady in the US, it is astounding the way that long the two men had been mimicking security specialists.

Who Is Arian Taherzadeh DC? Secret Service Agents Arrested Arian Taherzadeh is one of the men claiming to be Homeland Security specialists. He and his kindred associate Haider Ali has been imitating Homeland Security officials since February 2020.

The two were utilizing counterfeit DHS ID cards and conveyed Glocks. Their objective was to charm themselves with the Secret Service by giving the individuals different gifts.

The two men gave the mystery administration specialists lease free extravagance condos, top of the line gadgets, and policing hardware. Besides, they had even when offered a penthouse loft and a $2,000 attack rifle.

Be that as it may, their thought processes and financing for doing obscure are as well. The two men have been captured and are presently being scrutinized.

Arian and his accessory Haider had kept up the act for right around two years.

Arian Taherzadeh Name Origin And Nationality-Is He Iranian? Arian Taherzadeh’s identity is obscure, as the specialists have avoided sharing insights regarding him.

Notwithstanding, Arian’s last name follows its starting point to the Middle East and Arab nations. Moreover, the last-name Taherzadeh is most normal in Iran. Nonetheless, we can not conclude his ethnicity from simply his last name, as Taherzadeh is normal in numerous Arab nations.

— Lorenzo Hall (@LorenzoHall) April 7, 2022

Arian’s accessory, Haider Ali, triumphs ultimately the last name Ali, which likewise shares a comparative beginning.

Arian Taherzadeh Facebook Photo-Age And Wiki The instance of Arian Taherxadeh and his associate imitating Homeland security specialists has spread to online entertainment stages like Facebook and Twitter.

The photographs obviously show the essence of Arian, however Haider is wearing a veil. Arian Taherzadeh is 40, and his assistant, Haider Ali, is 36 years of age. The specialists have been hush-hush about Arian and Haider’s subtleties.