As per police Sgt. Justin Graham, the occurrence began on Tuesday when San Rafael occupant Bryan Donan Lopez, 25, verged on crashing into a police vehicle close to Third Road and Lincoln Road.

At the point when the official’s outing to a health related crisis was delayed, he had the option to find the suspect’s vehicle, as per Graham.

The person escaped after the official endeavored to pull him over, taking police on a pursuit through the West End area and “doing numerous sly moves,” as per Graham.

At the point when the suspect drove onto Beam Court, a dead end road close to Mt. Tamalpais Burial ground, the pursuit stopped. By then, he began “moving whimsically in the vehicle.” Graham asserted that it required over 20 minutes of “de-acceleration strategies and discourse” to persuade him to go along.

Lopez was captured and held up at the Marin Province Prison on charges of crime escaping, DUI, impediment, and driving without a permit. Starting around Thursday morning, he was done being held.