The medications they had with them are strong to the point that brief portion of each whenever managed without great extent or checking can bring about fatalities.

The fentanyl drug which is considered deadly in any dosages more noteworthy than 2 milligrams was available that weighed 20 pounds.

Who Is Carlos Raygozaparedes Of Orange County and Why Is He Arrested? Carlos Raygozaparedes of Orange County has been captured in one of the biggest medication busts in Orange County history.

He and his wrongdoing accomplice Edgar Aldondo Lamas were captured by the Buena Park Police of Orange County and they were found possessing almost 20.5 pounds of deadly fentanyl.

Essentially, they had 821 pounds of meth and 190 lbs of cocaine.

They have been imprisoned with 5 million bonds on each and will most likely face a greatest prison sentence of 37 years each.

What Is Carlos Raygozaparedes’ Real Age? Track down Him On Facebook Carlos Raygozaparedes is a 53 years of age male who was captured by the DA in a Buena police attack of a medication cartel.

His accomplice Edgar Alfonsa Lamas is a 36 years of age street pharmacist.

821 pounds of meth, 190 pounds cocaine, 20.5 pounds fentanyl pills. Max sentence of 37 years. $5 million bail each. Buena Park home on March 17. Orange County.

— CatManDoo (@CatManDoo18) April 6, 2022

The Facebook detail on Carlos has been absent.

They have been reserved in the Orange County prison for unlawful belonging, managing, and shipment of hazardous medications.

Investigate Carlos Raygozaparedes’ Family Details The family subtleties on the two wrongdoing prosecuted street pharmacists have not been uncovered or revealed by the police specialists to regard the protection of this fragile issue.

Carlos has been accused of one lawful offense count of offer of a controlled substance, three counts of transport or delivery of offer of a controlled substance, and two crime counts of ownership of an illicit medication.